Once your client, always your client.
Lead Generation Campaigns.
Existing book campaigns.
Marketing Assets.
Super easy referral process.
Amazing compensation.
Once your client, always your client.
Lead Generation Campaigns.
Existing book campaigns.
marketing assets.
Super easy referral process.
Amazing compensation.
OYCAYC means that your referral is safe with us. It means you can refer your clients over knowing that we won't cross sell other lines of business to them. And if we get a quote request from one of your referrals, we politely re-route them back to you.
Even if they aren't your client but you're the one that referred them to us for health, we'll send requests for other lines of business straight to you.
Agents will receive a 25% commission on revenue generated from new business referred by them.
Once *qualified an Affiliate Agent will receive a 10% commission on revenue from renewal business referred by them.
Coming Soon!
New Business refers to health plans that are issued/paid and within months 1-12 of being at Highcrest Insurance Group.
Renewal Business refers to health plans that are issued/paid and have been with Highcrest Insurance Group for 13+ months.
To qualify for renewal business commission the Affiliate Agent has to refer enough business that results in 50 or more Commissionable Household Members.
Commissionable Household Members is based on a target head count for the number of people on an individual health insurance plan. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 are the only options for a target head count per plan. A person can only be counted toward CHM if Highcrest is receiving revenue for them. If a plan has 7 people, the CHM count will be capped at 5. If a plan has 3 people, the CHM count will be 3.
Example (New Business): You refer a health plan to us that goes Issued/Paid and Highcrest's revenue comes back as $50/mo, you'll receive a commission of $12.5/mo until the client has been with Highcrest for 12 consecutive months.
Example (Renewal Business): You've referred enough Issued/Paid business that your CHM count is at 60 total and all of your referrals have been with Highcrest for over a year. Assuming Highcrest's revenue from your referrals is $1000/mo you'll receive $100/mo for as long as they remain paying clients with us.
We'll add more states as we grow into them
Carrier contracting and other lines of business vary from state to state
Yes. An active health insurance license is required to receive commission in the state the business is issued in.
As an Affiliate Agent you will not be listed on any of the insurance applications/policies/plans. You are simply referring to Highcrest and we are compensating you for qualified issued new business that is written through our agency Highcrest Insurance Group.
Regular reviews will occur to check for active and good standing statuses for all agents & licenses.